Clarity Leadership
Phil coaches top-level management worldwide to be better leaders; to provide clarity, model conviction and to enable their teams to exceed their business goals.
His inspirational, challenging, pragmatic and personal approach has brought success to many senior executives. His team development programmes have delivered dramatic results; Phil knows the value of action and brings a sense of adventure and challenge to his programmes that stems from a belief that everyone has choice. By making this choice, leaders and teams can define their destination and clearly define the route to achieve their goal.
Phil worked for Microsoft for ten years initially in a training role and latterly in enterprise sales.
Through experiencing different leadership styles and managing teams he recognised that success came from those teams who possessed clarity and alignment of a compelling goal coupled with the dedication and rigour to execute a plan. Phil founded Clarity Leadership in 2009 and the motivation which inspired him to set up his own business is evident in other areas of his life, pursuing a passion for adventure and endurance sports.
In this series of podcasts, Phil chats with leaders of major organisations across a variety of industry sectors - people who've given powerful interviews, press speeches and conference presentations... but it's often the off-mic moments that are more interesting and revealing.
In each of these informal one-to-ones, he’ll look to reveal their leadership and personal stories.
We can facilitate an introduction to our coaches or you can contact them directly to discuss your requirements.
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